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myles οινοποιητική


ΣΥΛΛΕΚΤΙΚΟΝ οίνος - βασδαβάνος
red wine pdo tirnavos, white wine pdo tirnavos


By analyzing the meaning of the word COLLECTIBLE we came to the conclusion that the invisible mechanism that turns an object into something valuable for collectors is the parameter of time.

Only through the positive effects of time, the object that has been created with passion and verity can become a collectible item. This process is similar to the process of vinification, the creation of wine.

On the label we illustrated the internal mechanism of a clock, as a symbol that represents the concept of time and the passion for achieving perfection, and placed it in the center of an environment, designed with gold or silver lines, that creates the illusion of movement and symbolizes the perpetual movement of time.

white wine pdo tirnavos


Created from the white variety of Roditis and the red variety of Moschato Mavro from Tirnavos through the process of blanc de noir(white vinification from red grapes variety). Rich in flowery aroma, full of flavor and clear color. Drink at 8-10ο C and accompanies white meat, seafood and pasta.

ΣΥΛΛΕΚΤΙΚΟΝ λευκός ξηρός οίνος - βασδαβάνος
ΣΥΛΛΕΚΤΙΚΟΝ ερυθρός ξηρός οίνος - βασδαβάνος
red wine pdo tirnavos


Typical red vinification of the world famous Merlot variety. Characterized by its deep red color, the rich fruity aroma and its velvety taste. Drink at 14ο C and accompanies red meat, hunting and cheese.